The staff manages day-to-day operations, while the Presiding Judge and assigned Judge ensure the successful implementation of the program and other treatment programs. Staff also serves as liaisons to other agencies,community partners and stakeholders, and treatment and recovery services and resources, perform data collection and analysis, write grants, and assists in resource development, and public outreach.
In 2023, an average of 28 active participants have been engaged in a comprehensive, holistic approach, which combines intensive judicial interaction, aggressive community supervision, frequent drug testing, case management, and substance and alcohol treatment services throughout the year. DCD has a success rate of 83%, having 85 participants successfully completing the program and 17 terminations since the program’s inception.

"Recovery is not for people who need it,

it's for people who want it."

Edward P. Diaz
Drug Court Manager

On June 16, 2022, Drug Court Division held a team workshop to review documents and hear presentations from treatment providers. Present were: Drug Court Division, Mental Health Court Docket Program staff, Office of Adult Probation Officer Nadia Moses, Chief Prosecutor Chester Hinds, Assistant Public Defender Emily Thomsen, CHCC-CGC Treatment and Recovery, Hope Recovery Center, and Pacific Drug Testing Services.