Progress is made on one of the Seven Strategic Plan goals by the Grants Administration Office.
Renovate Guma Hustisa, Rota Centron Hustisia and Kotten Tinian
Five years ago, in 2018 at the outset of the Judiciary's previous five-year Strategic Plan, the Grants Management Office fulfilled one of two of its ambitions: Addressing Needs through Non- Adversarial Models. It procured and administrated a State Justice Institute Human Trafficking Grant performed by Dr. John A. Martin. Judiciary staff members, judges, and justices spent over 900 hours in training and related discussion with Dr. Martin focused on identifying trafficking and the efficiency of the Judiciary's case processing. As the five-year period concluded, a Mental Health Court Docket was established as part of the Judiciary’s commitment to advance treatment courts $536,481 was secured to fund a collaboration treatment program, and a near one-million-dollar BJA/OJP/DOJ Drug Court Grant was extended for another year.
To promote an efficient and professional workplace, a second goal, the Grants Management Office oversaw the procurement and installation of ultraviolet light equipment to combat COVID-related pathogens and other viruses. The specialized equipment was placed near the ceilings in the courtrooms and meeting rooms and in busy public places to clean the circulating air.
The new Strategic Plan period from 2023-2028 commences with Super Typhoon Yutu recovery-related work drawing to a close on Tinian and Saipan, and Typhoon Mawar work about to begin on Rota. To illustrate the scope of our efforts, substantial renovations have been undertaken on the roofs of all three courthouses. Elevators have been modernized and new doors installed that are not only more attractive but provide greater security. Over two million dollars of restoration work will have been expended and reimbursement obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Administration when all is completed, prospectively by the end of 2025.

James W. Stowell
Grants Administrator
Typhoon Yutu did considerable damage to the Guma Hustisia on Saipan and the Kotten Tinian. With assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Administration through the local Public Assistance Office renovation efforts continue. Thus, the Grants Office played a part in the fixing of holes that had been made in the walls of the building stucco by flying debris, obtaining a new security scanner, getting blown out doors that lead to the exterior fixed, and finding a vendor that would economically replace the building’s totally ruined parking lot lights with typhoon resistant LED fixtures.
A portion of CARES Act funding was managed to completed the first of two rounds of spending on germicidal ultra violet light equipment. Three types of equipment having been chosen for their particular jobs in the cleaning of Judiciary’s indoor environments of COVID related pathogens, other viruses, bacteria and mold spores. Near the ceilings in courtrooms and meeting rooms and busy public places the UV equipment has been installed.
Biolux mobile stand up units, each with four 36-inch lamps, were regularly deployed throughout the building at the end of the day to keep surfaces and air in big areas clean

Hygeaire stainless steel, high ceiling air cleaner installed in the Superior Court Clerk’s office.

Marshall about to clean courtroom of pathogens with a Biolux ultra violet light mobile stand (Biolux Lamp UV Mobile Units). Two units together can clean the surfaces and the air in a 40 by 60-foot room, such as a courtroom, in ten minutes. The light is dangerous to humans and all necessary precautions are taken to insure nobody enters the room being cleaned unless they are properly fitted with protective gear.

Technician attending to the installation of a Troffer which is a piece of ultra violet light equipment that pulls air in and passes in through a HEPA filter and then past a UV light for the most thorough cleaning. The 2 by 2-foot Troffer is to the right of the technician. In the middle of the unit is a LED light strip which adds light to an area when the equipment is turned on