Saipan, CNMI – Starting Tuesday, November 7, 2023, Family Court will hold night sessions on the first Tuesday of every month from 5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the Guma’ Hustisia. These afterhous

sessions will help those who work during regular business hours. The sessions will be limited initially to matters involving child support in Family Court cases.
The Court saw a need to open its doors after 5:00 p.m. for community convenience and efficiency. Some parties are unable to attend court proceedings due to inflexible work hours and, at times, struggle to make payments because employers decrease their pay due to time spent in court. Night sessions aim to solve these problems by allowing parties to come to court without the need to take time off from work.
“I have envisioned something like this for a long time. Family Court night sessions will help accomplish Goal 2 of the Judiciary’s Strategic Plan, which is to ensure access to justice,” said Chief Justice Alexandro C. Castro.
“I am happy the Family Court, under the leadership of Judge Teresa Kim-Tenorio, is implementing these night sessions. This will help working community members avoid consequences and put prior issues behind them,” said Presiding Judge Roberto C. Naraja. “If this pilot program is successful, the Superior Court may look into the expansion of other night sessions for additional dockets.”
If you wish to learn more about Family Court night sessions, please contact Special Assistant to the Presiding Judge Janina Maratita at (670) 236-9744 or
This press release has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the public. For further information, contact the Supreme Court at