The Office of Adult Probation Supervision was established in 1998. Under the direction of the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, the OAPS is tasked with supervising all persons released on probation and/or on a suspended sentence. Such supervision encompasses a wide range of responsibilities including:
Maintaining complete records
Investigating and reporting to the court on probation cases
Securing and keeping complete identification records
Maintaining a written statement of the conditions of all suspended persons and persons on probation
Obtaining and assembling information on the probationer’s conduct and
Bringing defaulting probationers into court when there’s justification to revoke the suspension of a sentence.
OAPS has as an overarching goal to reduce and deter crime and recidivism, also offering treatment services, crime prevention services, and victim restitution.
Probation officers have the authority similar to that of peace officers and also have the right to carry a firearm in the performance of their official duties.

Weena Gwendolyn T. Iguel
Chief Probation Officer